Lucia A. Perez

Computational Astrophysicist & Cosmologist


***Published as of February 2024; submitted works not necessarily shown. Formatting in progress.***

First Author

Constraining cosmology with machine learning and galaxy clustering: the CAMELS-SAM suite

Lucia A. Perez, Shy Genel, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Rachel S. Somerville, Austen Gabrielpillai, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, Benjamin D. Wandelt, L. Y. Aaron Yung

Constraints on the Epoch of Reionization with Roman Space Telescope and the Void Probability Function of Lyα Emitters

Lucia A. Perez, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E. Rhoads, Isak G. B. Wold

The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 949(3), 2023

Probing Patchy Reionization with the Void Probability Function of Lyα Emitters

Lucia A. Perez, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E. Rhoads, Peter Laursen, Isak G. B. Wold

The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 940(2), 2022

Void Probability Function of Simulated Surveys of High-redshift Ly-Alpha Emitters

Lucia A. Perez, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E. Rhoads, Vithal Tilvi

The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 906, 2021 Jan, p. 58


The CAMELS project: public data release

Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Shy Genel, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, Lucia A. Perez, Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, Digvijay Wadekar, Helen Shao, Faizan G. Mohammad, Sultan Hassan, Emily Moser, Erwin T. Lau, Luis Fernando Machado Poletti Valle, Andrina Nicola, Leander Thiele, Yongseok Jo, Oliver H. E. Philcox, Benjamin D. Oppenheimer, Megan Tillman, ChangHoon Hahn, Neerav Kaushal, Alice Pisani, Matthew Gebhardt, Ana Maria Delgado, Joyce Caliendo, Christina Kreisch, Kaze W.K. Wong, William R. Coulton, Michael Eickenberg, Gabriele Parimbelli, Yueying Ni, Ulrich P. Steinwandel, Valentina La Torre, Romeel Dave, Nicholas Battaglia, Daisuke Nagai, David N. Spergel, Lars Hernquist, Blakesley Burkhart, Desika Narayanan, Benjamin Wandelt, Rachel S. Somerville, Greg L. Bryan, Matteo Viel, Yin Li, Vid Irsic, Katarina Kraljic, Mark Vogelsberger

The CAMELS Multifield Data Set: Learning the Universe's Fundamental Parameters with Artificial Intelligence

Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Shy Genel, Daniel Angles-Alcazar, Leander Thiele, Romeel Dave, Desika Narayanan, Andrina Nicola, Yin Li, Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, Benjamin Wandelt, David N. Spergel, Rachel S. Somerville, Jose Manuel Zorrilla Matilla, Faizan G. Mohammad, Sultan Hassan, Helen Shao, Digvijay Wadekar, Michael Eickenberg, Kaze W.K. Wong, Gabriella Contardo, Yongseok Jo, Emily Moser, Erwin T. Lau, Luis Fernando Machado Poletti Valle, Lucia A. Perez, Daisuke Nagai, Nicholas Battaglia, Mark Vogelsberger

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 259(2), 2022

With LAGER team

New spectroscopic confirmations of Lyman-α emitters at z ∼ 7 from the LAGER survey

Santosh Harish, Isak G. B. Wold, Sangeeta Malhotra, James Rhoads, Weida Hu, Junxian Wang, Zhen-ya Zheng, L. Felipe Barrientos, Jorge González-López, Lucia A. Perez, Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Leopoldo Infante, Chunyan Jiang, Cristóbal Moya-Sierralta, John Pharo, Francisco Valdes, Huan Yang

LAGER Lyα Luminosity Function at z∼7, Implications for Reionization

Isak G. B. Wold, Sangeeta Malhotra, James Rhoads, Junxian Wang, Weida Hu, Lucia A. Perez, Zhen-Ya Zheng, Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Alistair R. Walker, L. Felipe Barrientos, Jorge González-López, Santosh Harish, Leopoldo Infante, Chunyan Jiang, John Pharo, Cristóbal Moya-Sierralta, Franz E. Bauer, Gaspar Galaz, Francisco Valdes, Huan Yang

The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 927(1), 2022

Correlations between H-alpha equivalent width and galaxy properties at z = 0.47: Physical or selection-driven?

Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E. Rhoads, Santosh Harish, Chunyan Jiang, Junxian Wang, Isak Wold, Zhen-Ya Zheng, L. Felipe Barrientos, Alicia Coughlin, Weida Hu, Leopoldo Infante, Lucia A. Perez, John Pharo, Francisco Valdes, Alistair R. Walker

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 503, 2021 May, pp. 5115-5133

A Lyman-alpha protocluster at redshift 6.9

Weida Hu, Junxian Wang, Leopoldo Infante, James E. Rhoads, Zhen-Ya Zheng, Huan Yang, Sangeeta Malhotra, L. Felipe Barrientos, Chunyan Jiang, Jorge González-López, Gonzalo Prieto, Lucia A. Perez, Pascale Hibon, Gaspar Galaz, Alicia Coughlin, Santosh Harish, Xu Kong, Wenyong Kang, Ali Ahmad Khostovan, John Pharo, Francisco Valdes, Isak Wold, Alistair R. Walker, XianZhong Zheng

Nature Astronomy, vol. 5, 2021 Jan, pp. 485-490

A large, deep 3 deg^2 survey of H-alpha, [O III], and [O II] emitters from LAGER: constraining luminosity functions

Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E. Rhoads, Chunyan Jiang, Junxian Wang, Isak Wold, Zhen-Ya Zheng, L. Felipe Barrientos, Alicia Coughlin, Weida Hu Santosh Harish, Leopoldo Infante, Lucia A. Perez, John Pharo, Francisco Valdes, Alistair R. Walker, Huan Yang

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 493, 2020 Apr, pp. 3966-3984

The Ly-Alpha Luminosity Function and Cosmic Reionization at z~7.0: A Tale of Two LAGER Fields

Weida Hu, Junxian Wang, Zhen-Ya Zheng, Sangeeta Malhotra, James E. Rhoads, Leopoldo Infante, L. Felipe Barrientos, Huan Yang, Chunyan Jiang, Wenyong Kang, Lucia A. Perez, Isak Wold, Pascale Hibon, Linhua Jiang, Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Francisco Valdes, Alistair R. Walker, Gaspar Galaz, Alicia Coughlin, Santosh Harish, Xu Kong, John Pharo, XianZhong Zheng

The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 886, 2019 Dec, p. 90

Design for the First Narrowband Filter for the Dark Energy Camera: Optimizing the LAGER Survey for z~7 Galaxies

Zhen-Ya Zheng, James E. Rhoads, Junxian Wang, Sangeeta Malhotra, Alistair Walker, Thomas Mooney, Chunyan Jiang, Weida Hu, Pascale Hibon, Linhua Jiang, Leopoldo Infante, L. Felipe Barrientos, Gaspar Galaz, Francisco Valdes, William Wester, Huan Yang, Alicia Coughlin, Santosh Harish, Wenyong Kang, Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Xu Kong, Lucia A. Perez, John Pharo, Isak Wold, XianZhong Zheng

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 131, 2019 Jul, p. 074502

Other Projects

LtU-ILI: An All-in-One Framework for Implicit Inference in Astrophysics and Cosmology

Matthew Ho, Deaglan J. Bartlett, Nicolas Chartier, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Simon Ding, Axel Lapel, Pablo Lemos, Christopher C. Lovell, T. Lucas Makinen, Chirag Modi, Viraj Pandya, Shivam Pandey, Lucia A. Perez, Benjamin Wandelt, Greg L. Bryan

arXiv e-prints, 2024 Feb, pp. arXiv:2402.05137

A Comprehensive Study of H-alpha Emitters at z~0.62 in the DAWN Survey: The Need for Deep and Wide Regions

Santosh Harish, Alicia Coughlin, James E. Rhoads, Sangeeta Malhotra, Steven L. Finkelstein, Matthew Stevans, Vithal S. Tilvi, Ali Ahmad Khostovan, Sylvain Veilleux, Junxian Wang, Pascale Hibon, Johnnes Zabl, Bhavin Joshi, John Pharo, Isak Wold, Lucia A. Perez, Zhen-Ya Zheng, Ronald Probst, Rob Swaters, Bahram Mobasher, Tianxing Jiang, Huan Yang

The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 892, 2020 Mar, p. 30

Calibrating the relation of low-frequency radio continuum to star formation rate at 1 kpc scale with LOFAR

V. Heesen, E. Buie II, C. J. Huff, L. A. Perez, J. G. Woolsey, D. A. Rafferty, A. Basu, R. Beck, E. Brinks, C. Horellou, E. Scannapieco, M. Brüggen, R.-J. Dettmar, K. Sendlinger, B. Nikiel-Wroczyński, K. T. Chyży, P. N. Best, G. H. Heald, R. Paladino

Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 622, 2019 Feb, pp. A8